The place of my DesktopX understanding

Can anyone explain to me how many times should I re-upload skin updates on WC to reset the Update Date? I already did this two times with selected "Check to reset Update Date. Only check this if your skin has a major update." But this option does not seem to work, since the old dates remain under the skins - 2019/2020/2021 years.


1. HUD Desktop:

2. Digital Tech SP:

3. HUD Desktop WB:


13 Replies Reply 6 Referrals

[Excuse me for Google Translate]

Hi, friends. I haven't been here for a long time for obvious reasons...

Well, I finally upgraded my PC to Windows 11. Then I bought Start11 (1.47) and WindowsBlinds11 (11.02) through Steam. I know it was a bad choice because they didn't even send me the serial numbers... Unfortunately, I couldn't pay dollars to Stardock. So this was the only way for me to purchase licensed versions of these programs...

But that's not what I want to talk about. During the update I encountered a lot of problems despite the fact that my computer is not that weak. It has 32 GB of RAM, a Xeon CPU, Nvidia Quadro RTX 5000 Graphics with 16 GB of VRAM and two Samsung NVMe M.2 PCIe SSDs...

I managed to solve most of the problems myself. But there are a few more things I need advice on. Here is the list:

WindowBlinds 11 issue

1. How to reduce the height of the Navigation Panel in File Explorer?

2. How to display (unhide) the Menu Bar? It's still on the system and appears periodically, but I can't find a way to make it visible all the time.

3. VERY IMPORTANT! How to reduce the height of the Start menu? I set "Show at last --> 3 shortcuts" in Start11, but nothing changed. It stays too high. I also tried changing the text margins in the Program list. Nothing happens either... Also, the bottom part in Search mode (under the list of search results) is no longer displayed (drawn). Why?

4. Something happens to the system DWM rendering when Windowblinds11 is enabled. Look at the Command Prompt scrollbar. The same thing happens with .Net Winforms when I use WM_NCPAINT to draw custom window borders. The Client Area looks like the scrollbar (all the last drivers are installed)...

5. And finally, the “Show desktop” button disappears. Is there a chance to get it back?

Sorry for so long post, but I have no one else to talk to about this.

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WeatherLab-10 gadget is not displayed in the Desktop Gadgets gallery...

Oct 18, 2018 9:29 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk


I've uploaded WeatherLab-10 into Desktop Gadget gallery about month ago. Here is the link:

But the gadget is not displayed in the Desktop Gadgets Gallery: and also in the List of My Skins: [e digicons]:([/e]

I've tried to upload the gadget once again, but it still does not appear... Please, help me to solve this problem!


9 Replies Reply 12 Referrals

Uploading has stopped working...

Feb 18, 2018 8:08 PM by Discussion: Help


I can not upload important updates into Desktop Gadget gallery!

My actions: Login -->  Go to the gadget page --> Edit Skin --> "Click here to chose file" --> Browse to folder with the .zip file and select it as always...

The result: message box: "You can't upload files of this type"  and nothing more...

I've used the different browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome and even Tor) and tried to upload updates many times during the last two days. But I saw only that message. Please, HELP!!!!!

9 Replies Reply 56 Referrals

Jun 4, 2016 10:07 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

23 Replies Reply 25 Referrals


Today i,ve tried to update the gadget Rainbow Clock 1.0: But it disappeared from Desktop Gadgets gallery after uploading and I can't find it anymore to reupload again...



2 Replies Reply 7 Referrals

Updated Gadget is disappeared from Desktop Gadgets gallery...

Apr 5, 2012 3:26 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Site Issues

After working about two years in Visual Studio I decided update one of my old project - LaunchBar 7 by using new code from the similar app created by me with VB.NET. It took a lot time and efforts to translate all scripts into VBScript and force them work in DesktopX. Then I began upload an update...

I've tried several ways: rename a gadget from LaunchBar 7.1 to LaunchBar 7.4, reset the Update Date, etc... But nothing happened... As a result my gadget is totally disappeared from Desktop Gadgets gallery. At least I can find it only on my WC Personal Page...

Please help me to return it back!



1 Reply Reply 8 Referrals

I don't like it!

Jun 9, 2010 9:18 AM by Discussion: WindowBlinds

I found the alternative method for skinning Internet Explorer 8 more than half of year ago. It worked fine until I've updated my WindowBlinds to version 7.1 (build 273 - Windows 7 Edition). Now toolbar looks ugly because of it has been repainted to gray color without my consent... And I don't want to see any grey parts in my IE8! [e digicons]>:([/e]

So I want know how to disable this option in WindowBlinds settings. Or I need to reinstall the previous version and ignore this update?

I'm sure that WindowBlinds must help us to make our desktop better. But at the present I'm seeing that it disturb me to modify IE8 toolbars as I want. [e digicons]:'([/e]

Please, fix this annoying  bug!!!!!!

20 Replies Reply 20 Referrals

Can't install DesktopX PRO 3.89 BETA

Nov 7, 2009 3:28 PM by Discussion: Object Desktop

I saw many strange things during using Impulse. But today I've been definitively surprised! It removed my DesktopX 3.5 and then began to show the message: "This program is not compatible with your current operating system." each time when I tried to install DesktopX PRO 3.89 BETA . More than! The previous version of DesktopX has disappeared  from Impulse too! So I can't reinstall it...

What the hell this mean?!!!

I'm using Windows-7 x86. May be I must roll back my system to Vista or even Windows XP to test this program?

P.S. I there any other way to download this update?

15 Replies Reply 19 Referrals

Can't install DesktopX PRO 3.89 BETA

Nov 7, 2009 3:28 PM by Discussion: Object Desktop

I saw many strange things during using Impulse. But today I've been definitively surprised! It removed my DesktopX 3.5 and then began to show the message: "This program is not compatible with your current operating system." each time when I tried to install DesktopX PRO 3.89 BETA . More than! The previous version of DesktopX has disappeared  from Impulse too! So I can't reinstall it...

What the hell this mean?!!!

I'm using Windows-7 x86. May be I must roll back my system to Vista or even Windows XP to test this program?

P.S. I there any other way to download this update?

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